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First time guide to making a Will?

View profile for Marcus Parsons
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Firstly solicitors don’t bite and we are human (well most of us are!), I appreciate that visiting a solicitor can be a daunting prospect but we are very much here to help you so please do not be nervous.

This guide highlights some of the things that you may wish to think about before your meeting to discuss your Will.


This is the term used for the people you appoint to deal with your estate. It can be a very stressful role so think about who you would like to appoint. You can appoint spouses and children to be executors.

Funeral wishes

Would you like to be cremated or buried. Whilst you do not have to put this in your Will the majority of people do so it provides the family with some comfort to know they are doing the right thing.


If you have young children who would you like to look after them if you were not around.


Would you like to provide for your pet to be re-homed.

Cash gifts

Do you want to give any cash sums to any individuals or charities.

Jewellery or other personal articles

Would you like particular items to pass to certain individuals.

Residuary estate (this term is used to cover the majority of your assets)

Who do you wish this pass to, if that individual or individuals pass away before you who do you want the estate to pass to.


Do you have any and if so do you know what will happen to these if you die before taking the benefits.

Your property title deeds

Do you know how you own your property for example joint tenants or tenants in common, if you don’t know please don’t worry we can find out for you if you bring along your deeds or we can get a copy for you for £3.00.

Lastly do not worry if you do not have all the answers to the above, that’s why you are seeing us and paying us!

The next step is to give us a call on 01233 665544 and ask to speak to Louise who will be able to make an appointment for you to see one of the private client team members, she will also be able to help with any other initial enquiries you have. If its easier you can email Louise on

The Legal bit

This information sheet is intended to be for general guidance only and is not a substitute for specific legal advice.

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