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Over 18 - Make a Will

View profile for Marcus Parsons
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Most people decide to make a Will when they have retired from the working world. Whilst for a small majority of people this may be fine for the rest of us it’s the wrong way to be thinking. Why? - let me give you a few examples of situations where a Will would have caused less stress for those concerned, these are real life scenarios.

Husband and wife separated 20 years ago but not divorced. Husband dies without a Will, due to value of the estate wife inherits under the intestacy provisions. Husbands partner receives nothing under the intestacy provisions and has to make a claim against the estate. This scenario could have been avoided with a Will.

Boyfriend and boyfriend living together for over 10 years. Boyfriend dies in a car accident. The deceased’s boyfriend has significant savings but as no Will passes to his family who do not get on with surviving boyfriend. Boyfriend has to make a claim against the estate. This could have been avoided by making a Will.

Unmarried partners go on a holiday and are both killed in a freak boating accident. They left their 3 year old daughter with one of their parents. Both die intestate causing complications for the families but as both partners families do not get on a battle now begins as to who looks after the daughter. All of this could have been avoided by a Will.

Partners buy their first house together, both put different amounts of money into the house and they create a declaration of trust stating the amounts of money they each put into the property and own the property as tenants in common as advised by the solicitor. But they never get round to making the Will they are young and they need to decorate the house. One partner dies of a sudden heart attack. The deceased’s partner did not make a Will and therefore their family inherits the money and share of property not the surviving partner. This could have been avoided by making a Will.

As you can see from the above examples by making a Will it would have made things a lot easier for the people left behind. Most individuals have situations that are unique to them, the traditional family model is no longer the norm perhaps even outdated now, so how do you make sure what you want happens? - the answer is simple make a Will.

Our private client team can guide you through the process of making a Will. We offer appointments face to face, by telephone or Zoom. Call us on 01233 665544 and ask for Louise who will be able to answer your initial questions or alternatively email Louise on

Further information

This information sheet is intended to be for general guidance only and is not a substitute for specific advice. It is based upon our understanding of the applicable rules as at September 2020 and may be affected by subsequent changes.

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